Steering The MotherShip

It happens to every artist, creative, writer, voice talent.
You work, you take classes. You market, you follow up.
But in today's world of many creatives, sometimes all of those 'lists of things to do', don't always measure up to success - or perhaps, your idea of success.

So you have to stand out.

Once you master how to stand out, you'll be a step above the rest.

But how?

For voiceover talent, it may be concentrating on your unique sounding voice. Possessing your unique style of delivery. Not sounding like the next best thing in the voice business. YOU may be the next best thing in the voice business! 

Once you find the one thing - or several things -  that set you apart, make you different - whether it's your style, your work ethic, your approach to an audition, even the way you bring up ideas for script changes (it happens)  - you'll feel better equipped about being a part of a very competitive business, because you're the one who's in charge.

Providing you generate income, your voiceover work is all about growing your business. Read what Mark Schaefer of Schaefer Marketing Solutions has to say about being unique in your own business.