Got resolutions? Make this year YOUR voiceover year.

Resolutions are good.
Lists are even better.
Look at it this way, lists remind you what you need to do when February rolls around and you forgot the resolutions.
Written up your voiceover resolutions for the new year? Here's a few to get you started:
-Delegate - you shouldn't have to do it all. Find someone who does something you don't know how to do: production, web design, etc. Let them help you.
-Just say no. Find what fits into your schedule and decline everything else.
-Stop multitasking. Concentrate on one voiceover/campaign/project at a time.
-Apply the magic formula. Effective voiceover marketers know these 3: eliminate, cateorgize, organize.
-Plan ahead. Keep yourself accountable. Get a planner.
-Discover your good habits. Make a couple of new habits today and work them into your schedule. Master these until they become routine!
So if anyone asks if you've made your New Year's resolutions, you could say "I will get the magic formula and plan ahead, stop multitasking and become a creature of good habits. Then I'll just say no and delegate."
I'm just saying.
Since we're on the topic of lists, my favorite list is the one written by Richard Branson - the 10 secrets to success:
1. You've got to challenge the big ones.
2. Keep it casual.
3. Haggle: everything is negotiable.
4. Have fun working.
5. Do the right things for the brand.
6. Smile for the cameras!
7. Don't lead "sheep", herd "cats".
8. Move like a bullet.
9. Size does matter.
10. Be a common, regular person.

What works for your voiceover career? What voiceover resolutions do you have planned?

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